Open House Events
After years of hard work by many in our community, Hospice Halifax is very excited to be opening the community’s brand new, state-of-the-art, 10-bedroom hospice residence for Nova Scotian patients and their families.

Many Haligonians joined Hospice Halifax at open house events on April 17th, 18th & 20th to celebrate this accomplishment and view the new residence just prior to welcoming their first patients.

The hospice is located at 18 Francklyn Street, in Halifax
Rotary’s Involvement
In early 2012 the Rotary Clubs of Metro Halifax released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for new community projects in Halifax. One proposal from Hospice Society of Greater Halifax (“Hospice Halifax”) was deemed to have merit. It had long been a dream that Halifax would one day have a hospice but that dream had yet to be fulfilled. Rotarians knew they could make a difference.
In October 2013 the Rotary Clubs jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hospice Halifax to provide $60,000 in seed money to conduct a feasibility study for a capital campaign to build a hospice. Upon completion of the study another MOU was signed increasing Rotary’s commitment to $123,000 so that matching funds by the QEII Foundation could be implemented and the capital raised to build the hospice. In all, Rotary has donated over $167,000 dollars to help kick start this much needed facility.
Congratulation to Hospice Halifax and the hundreds of volunteers who have help to make this a reality. We are proud to have played a part in its creation.